When we have a loan involved with the purchase of the property, the lender usually requires the water to be tested for various contaminates. Often the owner/seller will “shock the well” prior to an independent party taking the water sample for testing in a local lab. In the past, we’ve hit challenges with to much lead in the water occasionally and had to put on a filter to remove lead from the drinking water. This year several home sales I’ve been involved with tested high for e-coli bacteria. What to do when the e-coli bacteria count exceeds the acceptable level?
Several sellers contracted with Intrastate Service Company to install a UV Light water treatment system that removes the e-coli challenge. I just got back from checking on an installation with a seller. It’s a pretty neat solution (see photo) that allows the transaction (sale) to move forward.
As I keep encounter new challenges, I’ll share the solutions we discover. If you have questions or challenges, please share comments so we can all learn by working towards solutions.