Virginia Homes, Farms, and Land


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Yummy Sausage Rolls

In 1999 we traveled through Scotland touring the country and visiting Masonic Lodges.  After many Lodge meetings, we time of Harmony (food, drink, music, and spirited conversation).  One of my favorite food items during Harmony were the sausage rolls.  When Jen Christenson made her sausage rolls using an Australian recipe, they were just like the ones we enjoyed in Scotland that I failed to get the recipe for.  Thankfully, Jen and her son Bradley taught me the art of making sausage rolls this Christmas.  Our recipe follows:


One package partially thawed puff pastry

 One pound sausage (Jen uses sausage w/ sage)

Diced onion (1/2 to a whole onion depending on how much onion you like)

One large egg

3/4 Cup bread crumbs (Jen recommends Italian)

Puff Pastry

Unpack your puff pastry so it can begin to thaw.  Please don’t let the pastry dough completely though or it will become to sticky to easily work into sausage rolls.

Bowl of Ingredients

Combine all ingredients excpet puff pastry in a mixing bowl.


Bradley helped with the mixing!

Mix ingredients thoroughly until they form one large sausage ball.


Prepping Pastry Sheets

Cut pastry sheets into thirds and roll out to widen the sheets.


Adding Sausage

Fill the pastry sheets by adding a line of sausage down the center of the pastry sheet.

Flip the sides of the pastry sheet up and seal pastry forming a long tube.


Cutting the sausage roll

Cut the sausage tube into sections approximately one inch long.


Rolls on a baking sheet.

Place sausage rolls on a baking sheet seem side down (seam side down is important in keeping the rolls together as I learned the hard way).  Bake in a pre-heated 375* oven for 30+ minutes until golden brown and sausage completely cooked.  Serve warm with ketchup  and mustard for dipping.  Sausage rolls are a great finger food so please make some and enjoy.  Unbaked rolls can be frozen for future baking so make a double batch and freeze some for later.  Each batch makes about 24 rolls.