Virginia Homes, Farms, and Land


Contact James

There are many great homes for sale in Central Virginia!

With the low home mortgage rates, home prices adjusted down, & the great homes for sale, many renters choose to explore purchasing a home. I’ve worked with several renters this year who became homeowners.  Perhaps 2011 is the year for you to become a home owner.   Many contractors and Military Personnel relocating to jobs at the US Army’s Rivanna Station (DIA or NGIC), continue to ask the question of renting vs. buying as well.  Please use the Rent vs. Buy calculator to look at your unique numbers so you can make an informed decision. If you have questions on the mortgage (loan to purchase your home), please contact my good friend and expert on real estate finance Leonard Winslow of New American Mortgage.  I also have a Free Real Estate Search tool for you to use.  The search tool sends you e-mail updates to homes, farms or land for sale that match the criteria you set.   If you have questions or want to pursue buying a home, I’m here to help, so let’s talk!

There are many styles of homes to select from in Central Virginia!