Virginia Homes, Farms, and Land


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On the set of House $

Filming House $ atCharlottesville Public Access TV (CPATV) later today so it’s time to put the finishing touches on the show’s Power Point presentation.  House $ covers real estate topics in Central Virginia (Charlottesville and surrounding counties).  Often we discuss real estate and real estate finance issues.  Today’s guest will be attorney Bill Tucker, Tucker Griffin Barnes PC, to discuss the latest in short sales, foreclosures and strategic defaults.  We film live for 28 minutes answering questions that have been e-mailed in.  If you have questions or topics for future shows, please post or e-mail.  Questions also become topics for discussion on so visit often to check out the discussions.  House $ remains an audience driven real estate show, so send in those questions.  Check out your CPATV schedule to see when your cable company airs House $!  When you’re ready to buy a home, farm or land, I am here to help, so let’s talk!