Virginia Homes, Farms, and Land


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On a recent visit to Manteo, North Carolina, a commercial fisherman friend gave us a bag of clams frozen in the shell. What to cook with clams? We love Hatteras Style Clam Chowder, so I decided to create a batch! After calling several friends to get tips and recipes, I started prepping and cooking.


  • 25 Frozen Clams in the Shell
  • 5 Peeled Small Potatoes
  • 2 Peeled Small Onions
  • 3 Thick Strips Country Style Bacon
  • 24 Ounces Water
  • Salt & Pepper to Taste

Fry the bacon in a large stock pot. While bacon is frying spread the frozen clams out on the counter. Once crispy remove the bacon, turn the burner off, and cut bacon into small pieces then return to the stock pot.

Mince the frozen clams info small pieces.

After about 5 minutes the clams will thaw enough to start opening. Once opened remove the frozen clams and juice. I usually open about three clams then mince the clams adding to the clock pot. Once all clams minces and in the pot, add the water bringing to a boil.

While the stock pot heats, dice the pealed potatoes and onions adding to the pot. One the liquid boils reduce heat and simmer for an hour.

Bringing minced clams to a boil.

As the clams simmer, stir and taste from time to time. After 45 minutes add salt and pepper to taste. You could taste the ocean in our broth so no salt was needed. Once the potatoes are done the clams should be ready (Especially if you minced them. Size does matter when prepping clams for Hatteras Style Clam Chowder!).

Hatteras Style Clam Chowder

We enjoyed our Hatteras Style Clam Chowder with cornbread! Perfect for a cool rainy evening. Next time I may try cooking cornmeal dumplings in the broth.