During a recent trip to Manteo, NC we got skunked on a Cobia fishing trip due to using a small craft during high winds. All was not lost! A friend stopped by the house and gifted us a couple of Puppy Drum ( Some call it Drum, Red Fish or Channel Bass depending on size & location. We call it delicious for breakfast w/ fried potatoes or dinner w/ grits.).
Having a Bride born in Buxton, NC and a step son who’s a commercial fisherman provides benefits in the kitchen! I keep learning old Outer Banks dishes that are new to me. We’ve had boiled Drum and potatoes fried in bacon grease for breakfast often. Some family members request Drum and Potatoes for breakfast after a long night of adult beverages (those individuals will remain un-named!).
Here’s how we prepared our Drum for dinner:
After filleting the Drum cut into 2-3 oz pieces. Start two pots of water boiling. While the water’s warming, cut strips of bacon into pieces (2 -3 ounces per person) and fry till crisp removing cooked bacon to a paper towel. Prepare grits according to personal preference and package directions (I often add an once or two of Parmesan cheese to give a little extra flavor.). As the grits cook (we don’t use instant grits!), add the Drum to the other pot of boiling water along with a wee bit of chopped garlic.
Once the Drum is done, spoon grits into a bowl and add several pieces of Drum, spoon warm bacon grease on top of drum, sprinkle with fried bacon then salt & pepper to taste. Add a piece of cornbread and you’ve got a meal!
Cook more than you think you’ll need! You can make fish cakes with leftover Drum, bacon, and potatoes or grits. If y’all know my cardiologist, don’t tell him about this recipe!