Virginia Homes, Farms, and Land


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Can you see the forest?

Can you see the forest?

The Virginia Department of Forestry just released the 2014 State of the Forest report.  In the Commonwealth of Virginia we often take forestry for granted.  With over 60% of the state in some type of forest (the report shows over 60% of the forests land owned by families/individuals), Forestry continues to play an important role economically and ecologically.  The photo above contains many different types of forests (urban, industrial, private, etc.).   I enjoy taking our grandchildren to the local State and National Forests, trout fishing, walking in the woods plus our family has one tree farm left (we sold one in Augusta County a few years back).  Get our and enjoy a walk in the woods.  If you’re interested in owning a small wood yard, tree farm or rural property, let’s talk!  I am here to help.