Virginia Homes, Farms, and Land


Contact James

Whether you are a home gardener or have a 1,000+ acre farm, your local Soil and Water Conservation District can provide lots of good information.   The Virginia Soil and Water Districts either provide technical assistance, administer Federal and State Funds putting conservation on the ground or know who to refer you to for assistance.  Many Districts also assist with erosion & sediment control plans; storm water runoff; agriculture best management plans; timber harvesting & stream crossings; roof top rain water collection; and a variety of other valuable conservation programs.   The exceptional Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District  (yes, I ‘m a bit biased after serving two terms on their Board of Directors) also provides great education programs on various conservation programs for homeowners and farmers.  If you have not explored the resources of your local Soil and Water Conservation District, consider adding it to your to do list.   If you are interested in buying a home, farm or land, let’s talk!